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American Barre Technique® is the internationally accredited and recognized barre instructor education company. ABT provides online certification courses that certify individuals to become certified barre instructors and is regarded as the leader in barre fitness education. The technique was developed through the the functional movements of classical ballet barre class. All ABT positions stem from classical ballet technique and combine traditional exercises and movements utilized in strength training. The effortless collaboration of classical ballet technique and strength training create American Barre Technique®. ABT aides in toning the physique, increasing overall flexibility, improving endurance, and boosting self-confidence. Training to become a barre instructor with American Barre Technique® will give you the necessary skills to instruct students, conduct barre classes, increase your revenue, broaden your clientele, and learn how to better connect with your clients. At American Barre Technique® we are passionate about spreading the knowledge of ballet inspired aerobics, also known as barre. We are true soldiers of labor when it comes to practicing what we preach and thoroughly enjoy what we do! American Barre Technique® is founded upon the principles of professionalism and education of health and wellness. Jump-start your fitness career with us today!

Class Description

American Barre Technique® is a ballet inspired, low impact, aerobic class that fuses fluid balletic movements with small staccato actions to trigger hard to work muscles. ABT tones and sculpts the outer physique into a lean dancer's shape. This fitness class is perfect for women and men of all ages and strength levels and can be taken at your own pace with an increase in difficulty or at a modified level. Increase your flexibility, tone and tighten your physique, increase endurance, improve balance and find a deeper sense of inner strength with ABT.



To educate learners through online barre certification courses to train to be the best instructor they can be. To develop knowledgeable instructors to inspire and encourage each client to find a deeper level of inner strength.  






To be the utmost trusted teaching source of barre fitness. To be a motivating program to encourage instructors while simultaneously reaching our financial and strategic goals. 


Core Values 





Management of Time 




Institutional Goals 

  • Learner's Success and Completion 

  • To provide and maintain high quality online courses and services that support the mission statement.   

  • Institutional Effectiveness


Institutional Objectives

  • American Barre Technique® will periodically review online courses to monitor sections needing improvement, changes, and revisions. 


  • American Barre Technique® will regularly evaluate and improve online programs through on-going cycles of program review.


  • American Barre Technique® will periodically measure its institutional effectiveness through a series of tests and through sales numbers. 







Teach barre anywhere with the ABT online barre certification. The internationally accredited course will send you into the industry prepared and confident. Start today!
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